Jun 28Liked by Frida Hylander

This article strikes me like lightning, hitting me here and now—it could have been tailored for where I am and what I’m grappling with.

It begins with personal experience and emotions from that, then methodically and clearly sorts out experiences, problems, explanations, and possible approaches.

For me, it provides solid ground under my feet and a hand to hold when the world becomes increasingly turbulent. Definitely a guide on how to deal with challenges in the pursuit of a more environmentally friendly world.

Then there’s something more than that, a method that strengthens one in life. It is open, brave, and wise—providing inspiration. From being observant and open with emotions to a constructive approach forward. A way to take care of oneself, to face the world more strongly.

I still limp with emotions, flit around for structure in all the complexity, and am too sluggish in the face of environmental challenges—this helps me with all that, thank you.

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Thank you for those kind and heartfelt words! Happy that this post could provide some comfort and guidance.

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Jun 26Liked by Frida Hylander

I really like this switch in perspective from doing it for the climate actions to "this is the way I live, and it’s a way that’s sustainable and in line with my values and what needs to be done in this world”. I think there are many ways we can talk about switching our perspectives such as from the individualistic to the collective perspective. People are focused on the individual pursuit of happiness and so may balk at reducing their emissions. They don't see how a more collective outlook might actually make them happier, more connected, and secure than the individual consumptive "pursuit of happiness" that really doesn't make them happy at all... just lonely and empty.

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Thank you! And yes, agreed that we need to talk in various ways about the necessary shift from a more individual to a more collective perspective, and all the benefits that comes with that.

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